one of my best friends, annamarie, claims that i am a yearbook turkey. as in, every year in high school when summer vacation came around, and we passed out yearbooks--i would do the whole, "this is why i appreciate you and what you mean to me..." kind of note for everyone. true, very true. i no longer try to deny this (though i once did). and here's a bit, because it's 6:55 pm the day before i leave india, the house is empty, im writing sugar cubes (notes of appreciation in @ talk. surprise surprise.) and i do feel rather appreciative.
thanks for...
laughing. the eb. past lcps that have become great role models to me (especially tough, independent, smart, sassy female ones who are going off to study and work and live the dream in london!). humoring me by allowing me to take massive amounts of photos. but mainly...for all the laughing, the jokes, the poking fun, the cultural stereotyping amusement we @ers take so much pride in...i love how candid this is (though obviously the matching outfits aren't).
allowing me to be an chandigarh @er. for hours spent under the sun at promotions, talking this organization up. oh, you guys have no idea how much ill miss you, the chats, the whining about prices of mangoes, how you helped me reserve a taxi the night before our shimla trip...
mangoes and cooking in the 37 kitchen with eps. for al and dosas at 10 pm and vanilla ice cream and kheer and feeding ourselves and learning to be self-sufficient (and maintain a semi-balanced diet). for allowing me to be independent in a way i have never experienced before. for showing me how far i can push myself.
the world. more specifically, canada, china, the uk, lebanon, kenya, japan, the us, poland, the netherlands, belgium, indonesia, brazil, south korea, mauritius, and the beautiful people from those beautiful places.
my 37 house family. for pauline and her constant support since day 1, hour 1 for the matter, and her mosquito repellent that has saved my life. nith and his salinger and requests for cycle rickshaws to race each other for more rupees. al and his ability to share meals with me because of our shared interest in food and saving money. ola and her long work hours, but persistent energy and enthusiasm to go out for a cold coffee with the gang. ganda for kata kata kanlah sayung bila binar binar...cinta. and piero for his chinese, his endless fruit supply, his love affair with ozone, and lastly (but not leastly?) his mumbai future.
rare indian sunsets that have taken my breath away. for kristina, her yoga moves, and the rooftop of the house as we jumped around in pure happiness.
al's new girlfriend. enough said.
elephants and art museums. for friends that put up with my silliness and (who knew?) maybe, possibly, even enjoy it (hah! piero, admit it. you think i'm funny...). but you know, mainly for elephants...
i'm going to sidetrack the sappiness and just say that i really dig those pants.
like, really.
Brilliant: "requests for cycle rickshaws to race each other for more rupees". I wish I had come up with this.
you have done much more than I did for the for 9, 10 months here, haha
for kata kata kanlah sayung bila binar binar...cinta
Kata-katakanlah sayang bila benar-benar cinta!
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