Friday, June 20, 2008
Making It Down South...
Just a quick update, since I won't be posting anything until after July 2.
Today, I'm taking a train to Delhi to spend about 5 days with my friend Anshul's family.
I've known Anshul since I was 5 or 6, and he's one of the most awesome people you will ever meet. Ever. Out of anywhere. We were neighbors once back in Boulder, then elementary school friends, then OM team members...and then we both went to Cornell! We've grown up together, and we're still growing up together, you could say. Plus, no one else but him can actually quote things I said in second grade...
He's crazy impressive like that.
Anyways, Anshul's family is fantastic and I'm psyched to spend a good chunk of time with his mom, brother, and assorted relatives (Anshul is in Texas for the summer). His grandfather, uncle, and dad have all contacted me, and I feel so lucky to know them all--and be able to experience Delhi with them.
On Thursday morning, I'll fly to Chennai from Delhi and explore it with some other interns. We'll spend Friday through Sunday in Pondicherry, for a national AIESEC conference for all international interns in the country, and also check out the sites. We're taking a train across the country back to Chandigarh from Monday to Wednesday.
Last night, I saw Piyush, a great friend of mine who is from Chandigarh but spent the last year in NYC as an intern. That was so awesome--and hopefully I'll see him again after I return from these travels.
Be well, and talk to you all soon!
love angie
P.S. We have mad plans to hang out at the beach. So excited. :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mehndi, Beauty, and Irony

When I'm in the community at Hallomajra, I can see why it's so valuable for the women to know how to do these things, to maintain their appearance and household to fit a certain standard of beauty and talent. It is what defines them. But on my way to and from Hallomajra, I'm reading about the need for women (especially in the US) to find their individuality apart from domesticity. They're extremely different, but at the same time both cultures in the US and India face this divide--one that has existed for decades and decades, and one that persists even today. It just persists stronger in some places over others--but the role of women in society is so debated in every culture, it seems. Mehndi got me thinking this because I was so enthralled by it--and I was so impressed by it. But at the same time, I think it represents the certain set of skills women are expected or encouraged to have in some societies--a set that doesn't necessarily include assertiveness, political fervor, or stereotypical male traits of power and strength. But characteristics that every person, man or woman, has a right to have if they have it, or if they want to possess it.
But aside from all that, I loved the experience. Sushna has such a warm smile that she's passed onto her daughter, and they both laugh so freely. It was another show of such generosity and hospitality--they were eager to share with me a really special aspect of their lifestyle and history and culture, and I think they enjoyed my reactions as well.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"Hey, Dog! Are you veg?"
Lots of photos, because I am a fiend like that, but I do think they can describe much more than I ever could in words.
We spent last weekend in Dharamsala, better known as the hometown of the Dalai Lama. Actually, a neighboring village called McLeod Ganj is actually his home, but it's only a walk away from the center of Dharamsala. So I have photos of that, plus more of Chandigarh, my lovely friends here, and of Hallomajra and Ramdarbar, the below-poverty slum/village areas where I've been working.
And the title? First note that India is fabulous for vegetarians--I've had little meat since being here, and it's great--there are always "veg" options. My beloved buddy Ganda, who is a remarkable human being, tried feeding a stray dog a BBQ flavored Pringles potato chip in Dharamsala. The dog sniffed it and walked away. Ganda, frustrated that his generous offering had been rejected so, yelled out vehemently, "Hey, dog! Are you veg? Huh?! ARE YOU VEG?!"
xo angie
(ahem. dedicated to a certain em who will be studying abroad there...whooo!)



Monday, June 16, 2008
The Domestic Violence Survey
So, it's been revised-and here it is!
I'm really excited to go out and pilot the new version, I see a lot of potential for it, and it recently occurred to me that it is SO cool that in a few months I will have my own data...and that I can use my OWN data in my OWN papers!! Oh, Academia. How you surprise me.
SURYA Foundation
Survey on Domestic Violence
Demographic Data
- Name and age
- Residence
- Profession
- Marital status
- If married, love marriage or arranged?
- How long have you been married?
- Joint or nuclear family?
- Children
- Age and gender
General Mental Well-Being
- How much are the following statements applicable to you on a scale of 1 to 5? (1=totally not applicable; 2=not applicable; 3=neutral; 4=applicable; 5=totally applicable)
- I feel at home in my house
- I feel appreciated by my husband
- I feel appreciated by my in-laws
- I feel appreciated by my children
- I am in control over my own health
- I can make financial decisions
- I have a good relationship with my husband
- I have a good relationship with my in-laws
- I have a good relationship with my children
- I feel free to do what I really want
If a woman is not married, skip questions 7 to 26.
- Do you have any problems with your husband?
- Is your husband angry often?
- What are the most common reasons over which he is angry?
- Does he ever shout at you or call you names?
- How do you respond when he shouts or calls you names?
- Do you tell anyone about the shouting/name-calling?
- Does he threaten you when he is angry?
- What are the threats about? (i.e. dowry, baby boy, etc.)
- How do you respond to these threats?
- Does he hurt you? If so…
- How does he hurt you?
- How often does the hurting occur?
- Is he always hurting you in particular moments, like after coming home from work, or late at night?
- What is the reason for the hurting?
- Do you think the hurting is justified?
- How do you respond to him hurting you?
- Do you tell anyone about the hurting?
- Did you ever need medical attention after being hurt by your husband? If so…
i. Did you get the medical attention?
ii. Where did you go for the medical attention?
- Does your husband ever complain to you about not doing a good job in housekeeping?
- Does he ever complain about how you raise the children?
- Does he ever complain that you ask for too much money?
- Does he ever complain about your family?
- Does he ever complain about the dowry?
- Are there any other topics that he complains about to you?
- How do you respond to these complaints?
- Do you think these complaints are justified?
- What is your husband’s profession?
- Does he earn enough money?
- Does your husband drink? If so…
- Does he drink at home?
- Does he come home drunk?
- Do you know why he drinks?
- Is he shouting, complaining, or hurting you more after drinking?
- Is his drinking problematic? If so…
i. Have you or your husband ever asked for help for his drinking problem?
- Does your husband like another woman? If so…
- Does he know that you are aware of this?
- Have you ever discussed this with him?
- Do you ever fight about this (verbal and/or physical)?
If the woman is not married, and still living at her parents’ home, ask questions 27 to 32 about her parents instead of her in-laws. If the woman is living in a nuclear family, skip questions 27 to 32.
- Do you have any problems with your in-laws/parents? If so…
- With whom do you have problems?
- What are the problems about? (i.e. children, housekeeping, asking for too much money, personal character, dowry, etc.)
- Do you think the basis for these problems are justified?
- Does any one of your in-laws/parents shout at you or call you names? If so…
- What are they shouting about or what names do they call you?
- Do you tell anyone about the shouting/name-calling?
- Does any one of your in-laws threaten you? (i.e. about the dowry or having a baby boy) If so…
- How do you respond to these threats?
- Do you think these threats are justified?
- Does any one of your in-laws/parents physically hurt you? If so…
- Who hurts you?
- How do they hurt you?
- How often does the hurting occur?
- Are they always hurting you in particular moments, like after coming home from work, or late at night?
- What is the reason for the hurting?
- Do you think the hurting is justified?
- How do you respond to them hurting you?
- Do you tell anyone about the hurting?
- Did you ever need medical attention after being hurt?
i. If so, did you get the medical attention?
ii. Where did you go for the medical attention?
- Does any one of your in-laws/parents drink? If so…
- Do they drink at home?
- Do they come home drunk?
- Do you know why they drink?
- Is he/she shouting, complaining, or hurting you more after drinking?
- Is his drinking problematic? If so…
- Have you or your husband ever asked for help for his drinking problem?
Own Children
If the woman does not have her own children, skip question 33.
- Do you have any problems with your children? If so…
- What kinds of problems do you have?
- How do you respond to these problems?
- Do you think the basis for these problems are justified?
Help-seeking Behavior
- Have you ever sought help for any of your family problems? If so…
- What kind of help did you get? (i.e. medical, financial, counseling, psychological)
- Where did you seek help?
- How did you know about this person/organization?
- Was the help useful?
- Do you need any help right now for any current family problems?
- Have you ever heard of the SURYA Foundation?
- Would you accept help from SURYA in the future if you needed it?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Women's Advocacy Out of a Shoestore
For background, I'm working for the SURYA Foundation, which stands for Survival of Youth and Adolescent. My boss is a gynecologist who began the Foundation with a slew of others to better serve women and children in India, focusing on women's advocacy along with health education, family counseling, career counseling for girls, awareness campaigns, HIV/AIDS education, etc.
The two women I work directly with are both family counselors, both highly educated and progressive and strong, independent individuals. They've given me great insight into gender hierarchy in India and expectations for women, but it's still mindblowing to me to hear about some of the norms and standards that still exist.
One controversial topic right now is about a murder that happened a month ago. A father and his servant conspired and killed his 15 year old daughter, and the mother now is still siding with the father. One of the SURYA staff members explained it like this to me. She said, "In India, everyone still believes the husband is god..." People are appalled that the father did it...and also that the mother is still standing by him. But others support the mother, since she's acting out her traditional wifely duty.
Dr. Sharma, the founder, told me something that also reiterated this concept of a wife's societal expectations. The concept of "marital rape" does not exist in India. A wife, forced by her husband to perform physical, sexual acts, has no protection at all legally or socially, as the rights of the husband in marriage include his wife's sexual submissiveness. India is growing rapidly, economically and otherwise, but it still has a long way to go in terms of basic women's rights to her body and her right to protect it.
My work now surrounds a survey that was developed by a past intern about domestic violence. We've revised it and piloted it with some women, and will continue to do so. My stats and research methods professors would be so proud--we were talking some nice "sample size" and "comparative studies" lingo. That's my PAM education at work, huh?
For the past three days, we've been in Hallomajra, a slum outside of Chandigarh. Everyone is surprised to hear a slum even exists here...but it does indeed.
It brings out a lot of emotions to spend time in a place like Hallomajra, and I am constantly sad and disturbed and then impressed and overwhelmed by the community and camaraderie that exists there. Of course, the children are full of that summer bliss that you can only possess between the ages of 6 and 16, when summer equates freedom and ice cream and all good things (internationally).
They rarely, if ever, see foreigners, so adults and kids alike are curious about what I'm doing and why I'm there...But everyone has been so friendly, offering tea and a seat, their hospitality and the few English phrases they know. Sonia, a 17 year old girl, has become a new friend quickly, even though our conversations are rather limited...she does know, though, that I really enjoyed the chai and samosas she brought for me today.
Right after we got there on my first day, we went to meet the shoestore owner, and sat in the store chatting with him. SURYA partners with various people across the community, and this is how they secure their referrals and spread the name of the organization. Using public places that are run by local community members allows SURYA to be more accepted within the slum as an ally, not an outsider.
So it was in that shoestore that I had my palm read, my head patted by some old Indian ladies, and then where I helped conduct our first interviews of 5 women, between the ages of 17 and 28. Questions including topics of dowry, housework, husband's anger, psychological abuse, in-laws, feelings of self-worth, and more. It is ridiculous to me that I'm here doing this, after spending so much time reading and researching it all last semester.
Oh, I wrote a term paper in May on an education program called SSA for girls in India to combat illiteracy. Today on TV, just on the regular public channel, it flashed the logo of the program SSA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, followed by a load of Hindi. That was a nice little moment of realizing that I am here, doing this, and learning so much more than I ever would have back home.

Maybe tomorrow the sari will be back up on the wall.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rishikesh, where I had my first Maaza.

be excited, this entry mainly consist of photos, since this past weekend definitely accumulated a LOT of them. plus, even i know pictures are more fun to look at then massive amounts of writing (sorry to those of you who suffered through the last entry).
this past weekend, 5 other interns and i took a 12:30 am bus friday night (sat morning) first to Haridwar, then to Rishikesh, a holy city for Hindus and a famous centre of pilgrimage. also, it's known as the yoga capital of the world (how sweet is that?!). we arrived in rishikesh early in the morning around 7:30...and so our weekend adventure began.
This was just a door we saw in Haridwar, but I was amazed by it.

So that was Rishikesh, weekend trip number one. All in all, a success, even with the crazy, burning hot bus ride for over 7 hours. We made it though, and plan on many more...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Chalo! Chalo...Challlloooo!
So, for those of you who followed my (shortlived!) blog last summer, you might be familiar with this concept of a straw in a mango. If not, feel free to take a look into the archives (first entry ever) and even try it yourself. The title for this blog has stuck around because I like it, I love mangoes, and
The above is a photo of Pauline, another intern here, with Mansi, middle, and Suhil, right (both AIESEC members who live here). This is at Mansi's house, overlooking the backyard, where two huge mango trees reside. I asked Mansi if I could take one home with me...sadly, that's rather unlikely.
I have so much to say, it’s ridiculous and I’m bursting at the seams. I had stories to share from the moment I got on the airplane in DIA, so this is going to be a LONG entry. Sit back, relax, have a glass of water. Take breaks. Stretch out. And maybe if you’re not so interested in my accounts of who I met on my flights (but really, they’re cool people), just scroll down until it gets to my actual account of being here.
My flights were all fantastic.
The flight from LA to
My perceptions of Indian hospitality were so great before I even landed. All the Indians I sat near wanted to know my plans for the summer, taught me Hindi, and some offered their homes to me like family. And for sure it has been exactly like that ever since I arrived in
Homestay: Shivika, her mother, Ishan (an @er), Pauline and me
My internship is through AIESEC (@), which is the international non-profit that I’ve been working with at Cornell for the last two years ( AIESEC Chandigarh has been so amazing with my reception. Every moment, there’s some person here in Chandigarh to help me out—exchanging money, buying a cell, getting me places, helping me learn Hindi words. It’s a dream to be so well-taken care of! I spent the first day with Shivika, an @ member. Her family, especially her mother, brother, and sister, made us feel very at home, constantly making sure we were comfortable, fed, and happy. Their family is quite well-off –so it was already a culture shock to be in a gigantic house with 3 or 4 people who carried our bags, brought us water and food, scrubbed the floor…while we sat around lounging about. It was completely expected of us not to recognize them or thank them for their work.
It definitely is one thing to read about a societal hierarchical structure—and another to experience it first hand.
But I love it here already. The heat for one makes me so ridiculously happy. It reminds me of
The food, of course, has been great. It’s definitely different than the Americanized version (as expected)—and the food in the north (where I am) happens to be spicier. I’ve been able to handle most of it, but I still have many more meals to go…on the plane, we got Takka Tak, the Indian version of Cheetos/Bamba—puffed rice, except with a load of spices. That was my first inclination that there would be future-mouth-burning-sensations to come. We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant last night. There are actually TONS around, and most of the menus (at least three I’ve seen) include Chinese sections. It makes perfect sense, but I did not expect it at all. After dinner with Shivika’s friend, we went to a Bedouin Lounge. I’m no expert, but I believe I’m more educated on hummus than the average American. So, for the record,
I’m living in a house right now with four other interns, all of who I like very much already (after literally JUST meeting them!). Pauline from
That’s PLENTY for now, I think. There will be more, for sure! Keep tuned.
Oh, and a fun fact: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were supposed to show in
A Special Note to AIESEC Cornell:
I love the LC here. I’m in awe. I am already loading up on tips and plans and strategies for us to use next year. They’re bringing in over 25-30 trainees this summer. They are able to rent two houses JUST to put the trainees, and they’re about to sign on for their third. They have OCP’s within the LC, and VP’s for each of the 5 kinds of TNs. @ Chandigarh made the papers with a huge color photo of my friend Cynthia from