I usually hate these things...cause I feel like I have to sum up my character within 8 characters or something, but I feel so good about this one.
Well, here's why:
1. Pixie was my nickname at World Camp in 2005. Supposedly, I look more normal with wings on than without, because it suits my crazy fluttering-about-nature, I was told. (It doesn't hurt that there is a brand of Mate Latte called Pixie...it is quite lovely)
2. En-chi is my first name, my Chinese name. It means grace, and, more importantly, it connects me with my brothers because we all share the first part (En).
3. Although my name doesn't mean this in translation, many Americans understand the word "Chi" or "Qi" because it means energy. If you know me, maybe you'd agree this is applicable.
4. Thus, I am a pixie 'n I am also one of great "chi": pixienchi. And WHAT?! Look! enchi. Brilliant. :)
So, I am about to spend 3 weeks in Taiwan, my parents' home, the home my grandparents chose to give their families for a real future, the second home I miss desperately. One more week in Hong Kong with my beloved Tasha, the sister I never had and a best friend I always will. And 5 more weeks in China, the home of my grandparents and ancestors, where I have never been. There, I'll be teaching English to middle school students with other college students and working with 3 high school students with Orbis Institute, one of my most favorite non-profits ever, the one that defined for me what I want to do with my life, the one that gave me a summer 2 years ago that changed my life.
And rediscovering the straw in the mango....? well, one of my favorite memories from last time I was in Taiwan (Summer of 1999) was going out one morning with my grandparents, and picking mangoes off of some trees in the streets in Kaohsiung. We took them back, and instead of peeling and cutting them like usual, they showed me how to roll the mango in my hands until it became soft. We stuck a straw into it, and I spent that morning making sure I had gotten all the juice out, and then dissecting the insides. So this trip is a return to mangoes (literally and metaphorically)...relearning the tricks, trying to get as much out of it as possible, enjoying the sweet juice of the motherland.

Presents for the cousins...note the jelly beans and SET.

A new purse from the creek fest made from a 1960's dress.

My room in mass chaos before any (ahem) packing...or cleaning...
P.S. I am a proud new owner of a Canon PowerShot SD750 Digital Elph. It is everthing I imagined and more. These photos are pretty lame, but I'm playing with this camera and abilities to attach photos to posts. Thanks for bearing with me. :)